Happy Birthday Jesus!

May the love of Jesus warm your hearts this holiday season......

From me to you, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

God bless you,


Forever in Our Hearts.....


Jan 26, 2008, I can still remember the day......
At the time, I was on the South side of Chicago in someone's home when I received the bad news.... I was oblivious to the fact that something had really happened because the person on the other end of the line was very calm when delivering the news. I guess that was for my sake. She proceeded to tell me what happened, informing me that upon his roommate's arrival back to the dorm room from his class, Ebuka was found not breathing. He was rushed to the emergency room.....and then he was pronounced "dead".... as the doctors then gave the time of death.

In my heart, all I could do was cry which was hard enough since I had to drive back home in unbecoming situations, but what I struggled with most was how I'd inform my younger sister. Up until me arriving back to the house, no one had called her, which I thought was strange, but thankfully, at that time, they hadn't. If the pains of watching death through life were to be ever witnessed, I'd never wish death upon even the worst of enemies. It mourned me to see her mourn, yet only God's surgery could cure her open wounds.... But today, I thank God for His healing hand. That was the first time I had ever buried life....

3 years later and Bucca Mane is merely a memory to some, but to others, Ebuka's life is a joyous celebration lived 365 days of the year... There are those that touch your hearts that a smile that displays 32 perfect teeth but then there are 'Ebukas' who mark your lives with more than the captions of a photograph.

Bucca Mane, we love and miss you, but I thank God because your life has never been one lived in vain. If I could be thankful to Jesus for creating and sculpting His masterpiece in the form of your spirit, I'd never stop praising Him. The day in Philly 2001 marked me in a special way, and if I knew I'd never see you again after the ATL conference, I'd have hugged you just one more time...But Jesus is coming back and when He does, His saints will join with the angels in worshipping Him and we'll forever be reunited.

Big Sis will never forget you.....rest peacefully!

Ebuka "Bucca Mane" Obiekwe
December 17, 1986-January 26, 2008

Be blessed,


So today, I had a talk with a friend....

At first I didn't answer the phone cause she called from an unknown number (s/o to her), but I did it anyway....God's in the business of surprising me these days, so I'm getting prepared for receiving things from people I don't know and numbers I've never seen, o yes, o yes, say AMEN!

Anyway, there was a conversation or rather an incident that took place yesterday that kind of ended on a bad tone, mainly my part, I think. While listening to her speak, and hearing her side of the conversation, ...minutes later, after careful reflection and staring at myself in the car mirror, since I was driving when I received the call, I realized that I was in the wrong. Now recently it hasn't been a struggle for me to apologize if I've offended someone, although it definitely isn't my aim, and I tend not to care whether or not I'm forgiven by man as long as He who matters forgives me....but natural relationships heal with forgiveness.... So I apologized! Although at the time the instance occurred, I couldn't see the wrong, and I honestly didn't think it was that bad, it was revealed to me that she was offended, so correction was in the works and still is. Yes, I'm human so eh, guess I have to get used to it.

I tend to think I'm uplifting and building up those around me, cause I truly want my friends to success, but sometimes it may come off as not being done in love and being said to prove a point, so I've been challenged to use discretion with the Holy Spirit's leading, carefully evaluating motives for the things I do...

At least I feel better now, knowing that she's ok, so all is well with the world. And I'm slowlyyyy but surely becoming less guarded, guess you just gotta get to know me :)

Currently: Working on being transparent....I call it guarded, eh...or private.... guess not! :-p

P.S. thanks for the convo...... 

Be blessed,



I'm so excited to be able to attend this conference with my ACF fam. There's a joy in my heart in expectation for the glory of God because I know that He is going to do something amazing in the lives of His people, and especially through us. I pray that before, during and after the conference comes to an end, every heart would receive a conviction from His Holy Spirit which would cause God's chosen generation to obey the call of Christ; leading men to an act of complete abandonment of self,  causing men to desire the life of total devotion to Christ. 

If you're not planning on coming and you'd like to, check out the link and register. It's FREE! All you gotta do is get there.... :)

Check out Misty Edwards, Arms Wide Open

God bless,

Come harder devil, my time has not come....

My dad always says "once beaten, twice shy"

Earlier this month, the devil struck! November 14th, to be exact,  I was headed to the KingsWord International Church, South Side Campus, around 6pm when I was hit by a car from behind.... 

Got out to check my car, not a scratch, not a dent, nothing! No biggie! I was good, the car was good, all was well with the world... (Low-key,  John 10:10 was in full effect, but I can't die in a car crash! Ha, the devil's mad)

Then today, he strikes again....

8:15am, I'm driving to work, made a right on 79th/Pulaski, heading South, as usual, and out of NO-WHERE, a truck hits me! FULL FORCE! Dude ran a stop sign!!!! @8:15 in the morning!!!!! The first thing I originally thought was is dude drunk? 

  Then shock hit me cause I couldn't believe that I was 
                1. hit yet again, seriously another car crash?!!?...
                2. My hands were shaking ridiculously fast, almost scared me a bit
                3. I had been hit from the right side and pain immediately went for my right side.... this was something cause earlier, it hit me in my back, but this time the impact came on the right... But I'm seated on the right side of Christ so not even a car crash can move my position. 

After all that, I tried to start the car and move out of the way of oncoming traffic, but the car wouldn't start. I then got out to take a look at the car and all I could do was thank God! Looking at the car, I truly thank God there was no passenger with me! 

I could go on and on about the details, but I'll just let God take control. All the glory goes to Him. He saved me to testify that just as death couldn't hold Him, a car accident can't take me! 

TESTIFY WITH ME! God is good!

The devil's mad! Haha, but I'm shining! 

"Paul I know, Jesus I know, Osaruchi I know, but who are you"......

God bless,


Weekend Fun!

Hey guys and ladies....

Just decided to post some pics from the weekend, (mainly of me)! It was one of the best yet, spent it taking pics of myself, (as you can see below), playing in my hair after washing it, crocheting of course, and attending the Unashamed Tour with my ACF peeps.... Hope you all had an amazing weekend! To read the re-cap of the concert, check out the article written by my chica, Omowunmi

To see pics of us at the concert, check them out on my fb.

God bless, 


No Compromise

My Thoughts:

So what I've come to realize after having a conversation with a friend yesterday, is that those that are closest to you are the ones that you have to be most concerned with. I say this in terms of them wanting to bring you down to operate on the same level that they are on, one that leaves them in a state of complacency. No matter where you look or how close you think you are with someone, if they see you progressing because of the fact that you have renewed your mind and have come to the realization that you want more in life, they will make it their active duty to keep you in an idle position.

And this I say, pertaining more to the Christians! O yes, HOLLER, we're Jesus lovers and we're not going anywhere, so if you don't like it, your loss. And I don't feel bad about saying it, there's a time when Jesus must become real to you. The end times are near and I cannot afford to be associated with people whose mindset still operates in the realm of the world. It saddens me when people think that you've made the wrong decision by following Christ, but rather than judge them, place yourselves in their position and remember that you've been there, and know that if someone had not been praying for you, you'd probably still be there.

So to those folks out there who have detached themselves from me or others around because of making the decision to choose life over death, I'm praying for you. One day your eyes will be opened and you will come to accept and embrace the free gift of salvation, and there shall be no condemnation unto you. But for the sake of friendship to continue, know that there is no compromise. Gone are the days where believers feel bad for going to church, or prayer revivals or praying in tongues because of what others may say. When the time comes for me to depart from this earth and enter the gates of heaven, I'm sure you will not be there to defend me and the choices I've made, and God will not hold me guiltless..... So if you're on the Jesus bandwagon full force, jump on, if not, then get saved or get left. My eternity will not be spent in the lake of fire, ignorance is no excuse for suicide.

God bless,

David Duni Dada in Concert.....

CHICAGO!!! You're in for a special treat!

Next Saturday, November 13, 2010 @3pm, David Duni Dada, will be at the Lighthouse to invade Chicago with Gospel music like you've never seen or heard it before. A NIGHT OF INTENSE WORSHIP! Be there as he releases his newest cd, Song of Liberty, complimentary cd's for the first 5 people so be on time.

Other guests include Psalmist Lois, JoJo, Minister Oluseun Shonukan and more.... YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS IT!

And best of all, it's free! So no excuses, be there! 

Kingsword International Church
3323 W Cermak Rd
Chicago, IL 60623

♥ God bless 


My Journey through the years.....


Woke up this morning, feeling good, feeling great, then got home around 2pm or so and was sneezing horribly! Took the longest nap in history and now I'm just in a sappy, happy, fruit mode and decided to blog about the things I'm thankful for, or in this post, the people. 

I've been blessed in this lifetime to know some of the best people that God has placed in my life  and I am truly thankful for all of you. Whether good or bad, ups and downs, fall outs or not, I love you all! I felt the need to speak specifically about a few people though, so if your name isn't mentioned, it's not to say that you haven't touched my heart, it's just to say that these special people have melted my heart in a way that goes with needing to be mentioned and if you didn't know I appreciate you before, hopefully you know now :)

Disclaimer: Biological Fam Bam doesn't count so if you're reading this, don't even think to ask me why your name isn't on here :). And I'm not using real names, so if you don't know who you are by reading this, then go to your room! hehe. In no particular order:

1. To my cornbread: From diaper days ---> Indians ---> Fighting ---> to present, you've been the best chica a chic could ever ask for. You're the most outspoken, silliest, rudest chic I know, yes ruder than me, but I love you. There's no journey I would desire to take in this life without you being there with me every step of the way. From your truth, to your stares, may our friendship never die out! I look forward to days of laughing with you and reminiscing on the life that we have practically started together. Me loves ya!

2. To GK: Now, even though I give you the hardest time ever and you push me to the point of wanting to run my hands across your baby face, you still have a place in my heart. 2 years ago was all it took for me to see the love God has for me to place you in my destiny. I pray for the continuing of a love-dislike (he laughs) friendship!

3. To Eyelashes: Your baby voice makes me smile! Ha! In all seriousness, I think I've had the most up and downs with you more than anyone I know yet you just won't leave me alone. There have been days where I've wondered if a friendship with you was worth continuing, and although things are not where they used to be, I'm willing to build back to a level of love! You mean more to me than you know and the desire of my heart is to see that you have the desires of yours. (sheds tear). I truly love you from the bottom of my heart.

4. To Capturing Moments: Although I don't listen to her music, I thank Shawna for her concert back in 2005. Without it, I wouldn't have met someone shorter than me (Strikes blow, but I love ya). I see that you have my best at your heart and that means alot to me. Thank you for being someone who prays for my Boaz! May God bless you with the bone of your bone!

5. To Best Boss: How many ways can one be thankful for a big bro that calls my jacket fake fur? Ha! From stealing my mommy to showing me life through a lens, you've shown me that family doesn't have to be blood. Your're the hardest working Big Bro I've ever seen and I look forward to the day that I call you but you don't answer cause you're sleeping. O how I'll see the beauty of heaven on that day :)

6. To Nehm: I LOVE YOU! May 2008. Why didn't I speak to you sooner than then? Who knows what foolishness would have occurred had our paths been crossed sooner? I smile at the days of playing Mafia, and Jackpot! You're the younger sis who's skinnier than me, but claims she's fat. Counting down to the days of prosecution and our getaway trip. I desire to see you happy and I'm glad that you have reached that point, may he continue to make you smile. 

7. To Mindless: Gurl I'd need a book to write down the love I have for you. I can't even sugarcoat it. I'm made fruity right now cause I JUST LOVE YOU! Low-key, high key, I love ya! Quad, Union Parties, Reckless Abandonment, I love you! You're it! And you're skinny and thick all in the same boat. You're a bad chic and you're blowing up right before the world. Next time Miami calls, pack me!

8. To J/Osama- Gosh, what can I say about the both of you. J-passive, cool, calm, collected. Osama- complete opposite, lol! But together you complete the love I have for the both of you as Big Brothers. I couldn't be more blessed to know you both. I've known you both for half and nearly all of my life and I can't wait to take this world over kingdom style! O let's do it, holler!

9. To Mo$- I'm not sure if I can sum your description up either, I just don't think it's possible. Your kingdom love has pushed me to the place of soul searching and development and I just cannot imagine life without ever having met you. God used you to enrich me and I'll forever be grateful. Osaruchi Beloved (as you would say) cannot thank you enough for everything you've ever done for me! God bless you!

10. To Southside: You're a goofball! You light up my day with more laughs than are permitted! There's never a dull moment when you're around and I know that if I ever needed you for anything, you'd always be there. You're my second fav Big Bro! Ha Ha!

11. To My beautiful Fashionistas: You make courtship look sweet! Seriously! How often do you meet someone and they just love you for no reason. I have no idea why the both of you have favored me so much, but I love you both very much! Thanks for showing me the example of love from God's viewpoint. One down, one to go! Dancing Shoes are Ready!

12. To Bellwether: I know you never believe me when I say it, but I truly am grateful to have met you. You're the little, big bro I've never had, but if I could thank God for someone I've met this year that has marked me, you'd win hands down. Beverly has it in for her, but she's the most favored chic I haven't even met to be sought after by a man like you. My heart smiles when I think of your future. From your animations, to your lyrics, to your receptiveness, I cherish this newly discovered relationship. May it never die out!

13. Lastly, to My Prayer Partner: You're the most beautiful Pharmacist I've ever known! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH from the bottom of my heart sis, from the care and love you've shown me since you met me to the prayers you offered in my time of need, I'll forever be grateful....Now leave me mommy alone :)

God bless everyone in this note: May you continuously impact others lives as you have mine. And I pray that I've touched your hearts in the way you've touched mine! Much love!


Music is.....

In reading some of my old pieces, I stumbled across this intro that I had written a while ago that has somehow become familiar to those around me as they've featured it on their websites, and various other sites.... Now by no means do I consider myself a "writer" or "poetic", but I have a deep love for both.

At the time, I considered it one of my best and till this day, I am still proud of it. So check it out and let me know your thoughts....

An epidemic phenomenon, upbeat grooves, the power of a voice, the joy of rhythms, the movement to lyrics, the importance of words, the sound of music…. Discerned with the chirping of birds, the beeping of horns, the banging of drums, the voice of slaves, before the minute were the majority, before the race became a people, music has remained on the scene since humanity emerged. Over the decades, music has embraced and captivated the scene like an indispensable drug with no cure for the mainstream. Today, music not only has engrossed our society, it now saturates the mass population. From what we hear to the vision it embarks, the importance of words pierces the heart of a nation. What defines your voice?

SN: I went to Target today and FINALLY got the Kinky Curly KNOT TODAY! Now alot of naturals have made reference to this product as being heaven sent, so hopefully it lives up to its remarks.

God bless,


Last Week of Sale

SALE HAS ENDED! Thanks to all for your support, your orders will be shipped out shortly :)

In honor of Breast Cancer Month, I decided to have a sale on my site! Sales have been great so far and I'd like to say thanks to all that have supported me thus far. Your orders will be mailed out in the order they were received....

Due to the fact that most items being sold are mainly the same, just in different colors,  I've only uploaded a few of the items on BigCartel, but you can see what is being offered here.

When purchasing a custom order or an item not listed on the site, you can specify your order on the checkout page listed in the section "special instructions for merchant".

Thanks so much for your support and remember, the sale ends this Sunday, October 31st, 11:59pm. 

God bless,

Spade's Puppy Deliveries

So....this past weekend, my sister's pit bull delivered her puppies! Beginning at 8:30pm, Friday, 10/22 and ending around 12:30am, Saturday 10/23, she gave birth to 9 puppies!!!!! Whoo-hoo!

Sad to say though that last night one of the puppies died due to the fact that she was just way too small. She was a twin that was attached to her bro's umbilical cord, but unfortunately, she was too weak to live. Spade comforted her and separated her from the rest of her puppies to care and nurture for her, but she didn't make it :(

There are still 8 who are alive and well, kicking and upbeat! And they're for sale!!!

So yea, that's all, hope everyone enjoyed their weekend....

Here's a video of the first birth if you're interested in seeing it, it resembles human birth soooo much, but if you'd rather not view it, that's fine also....or if it grosses you out, um...sorry :(. 

God bless,

Rubix Time

How many of you guys remember the rubix cube?!

Pause. Hands going up! Sounds of... "ooh ahh", now I remember!
Great, so I'm not alone....

I was doing some cleaning the other day and found my rubix cube and decided to get back to it. Now in the past, I could only do one side. It didn't matter the color, even though at first I could only do blue, haha but nonetheless, still just one side (and I learned this WAYYYY back in highschool, hmph) ... and as of now, nothing has changed, that's still the only thing I can do. But I'm coming back to it and before this year is over, I will make it a personal goal of mine to complete three sides, eh, ok, that may be reaching, BUT I'LL DEFINITELY be attempting two sides..... Besides, one side isn't hard at all, so three may not be difficult, I'm sure I can do it.

So, pray for me.... back to the cube I go!

God bless,

Let's Talk Relationships.....

Morning folks!

Check out the video I recorded this past weekend, pasted below.... In it I share my views on relationships, dating, and marriage....... God's way. I did the video mainly for those who see dating as an alternative to commitment in union and because it's been on my heart lately.  Besides, it's preparation time! Boaz is on his way :)

Pray that your eyes will be enlightened as you listen.

Your responses are welcome!

God bless you!

Let's Talk $

Thank God for weekends because today was definitely a day that needed to come to an end quickly so I could enjoy some rest. 

Needless to say, what started out as a rough day ended up going quite well....in this order as I got home, the following occured:

1. I received a free pair of earrings in the mail from a giveaway contest I entered.
2. Went to church for FNL (Friday Night Live)
3. Came home and was going through my blog "follow" list to catch up on my blogs and saw that I had won an Amazon giftcard from another giveaway contest...

FAVOR ALL AROUND! So today wasn't all that bad....
Thanks Jesus :)

To add on to #2, we discussed finances, with a themed program titled, "The Vault"....Some of what was discussed was 

*Of course God first, & all else secondary. (Ps 23:1)- 
Main Point here: KNOW YOUR WORD, always, always, always have a scripture to stand on. At His Name (His Word), everything must bow!

*Make a budget.
*Have an accountability superior, one who will keep you in line when you'd rather spend more than you have.
*Establish good credit.
*Reduce the number of credit cards you own and use them only when you are certain you can pay them off.
.....And the list continues

Hope you all enjoyed your Friday!

****As a bonus, I've attached a video ministration from David's Company***

God bless!

Just for you guys!

***Just added, Thursday 10/14/2010, 9:10p....I've decided to do this sale for the remainder of October and beanies will be on sale also***

5% of the proceeds from this current sale going on and the remainder of October will go to Breast Cancer Research!

It's here!!!!
My first sale on my site......Yippee!

Thanks to all of you who have already made purchases, & hopefully you are enjoying and sporting your new items. Pics are welcome, so go on and send them in, don't you all remain shy :)

Anywho, starting tomorrow, or rather, tonight, Wed 10/13 @12:01am CST until Tuesday, 10/19 @11:59p, I'll be having a sale on my site, mainly on the scarves. The site has them priced @ $22, but I'm running a sale of 2 for $30 with free shipping. If you opt to just get the one scarf, it will be $15, but you will have to pay the shipping fee....

Seems fair, right?! :)

Great, I thought so too...... The site also shows certain colors, but if you look through previous posts, you can see the colors offered. Just be sure to specify your color when you get to the checkout page where it says "special instructions for seller".  

So let your fingers do the talking, as your items shall await you! 

God bless you all


Allow yourself to be broken.....

If I could describe today in one word, that word would be.....STILLNESS!

Today was a day like none I've ever experienced in my life. I went to David's Company Rehearsal as I've been doing for the past few months now and God's presence definitely invaded the atmosphere. In our time of worship, God's glory descended upon the atmosphere and you could see, and literally feel shackles, chains, hindrances, obstacles, etc. being removed. I tried to lift my hands, stand, kneel, bow, but I was literally, STILL because His weight was sitting on me. My arms were frozen at my side in awe of His splendor and all I could do was weep. It was breathtaking! 

God was speaking to me and although the process can be painful, I allowed myself to be broken. It was hard, but transparency in His presence yields favor in the eyes of man. While praying in the Spirit, something Terry Savelle-Foy said kept coming back to me. She said "you will never outgrow warfare, you must simply learn to fight", which led me to Matt 11:12. The manifestation of this scripture was in frontal and proximal view, the devil was seriously in trouble... But it didn't stop there 'cause here came James 5:16....Seriously, I'm telling you, intensity is only a fraction of the word I'm trying to use because there simply are no words to describe the presence that arises when you lay all your burdens down at the mercy of His feet, walking away knowing that you are victorious 'cause God says "it is done". That joy is indescribable. 

After 2 hours, we thought worship was over, then while ministering unto Him again, "Open the floodgates of Heaven" came to me and I began to weep some more. I'm just in awe of Him and I can't hide it! If I've ever been uncertain before, you can rest assure that I know it now.....God is definitely about to do something in my life and the lives of those around me and I'm rejoicing in anticipation of His glory. 

~"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty~

Be blessed,


Today was a great day!!!!!!!!!!!
Church was awesome, although I missed my home church today, but it was nice to attend another service and actually sit, and enjoy without having to "serve", hopefully you understand what I mean and it doesn't come off wrongly. I'll admit it was different, 'cause I kept feeling the need to help in their media department, but nonetheless, service was anointed. And being that it was their 7th year anniversary and "A Prophetic Miracle Service" [as Pastor Solomon of Shadow of the Almighty Ministries phrased it], it lasted from 12p until about 5, then we ate. All in all, we were there for about 6 hours.....and it was simply lovely!

Anywho, hope you all had a great day today!

And although I was tired and wanted to hit the sheets as soon as I got home, noted from me falling asleep while driving on the way back, thank God for Jesus and His Holy Spirit, I made it safely and soundly! And so I decided to do the one thing that never disappoints....CROCHET! Hehe....so here's my latest scarf!



No pop/Water Challenge!

Hey peeps,

So....Sept 7, 2010, I started a challenge with my Big Sis and my cousin to see if we could give up drinking pop (soda) for 30 days....Now I normally don't drink pop as much as they do, in fact, not even 1/4 of what  they drink, but prior to this challenge, I had drunk pop more than usual. So I decided to join them.....

For the first two weeks, it was strictly water! No juice, no tea, no nothing, just water....I drank about 7 bottles of water a day, o yea, I was on! Hehe.....

Then the last two weeks consisted of juice and water....In these 30 days, I was also taking the following vitamins: E, Omega 3's, B-Complex and Vitamin C. I had tried to take a mulit-vitamin but kept finding myself extremely nauseated....Still can't find one that works :( .......any suggestions are welcome.

All in all, the challenge was great, and yay for my sister & cousin! Yep, I doubted them (sad face), but I'm glad they proved me wrong....Now let's see if they can keep it up. I on the other hand, drank 1/2 cup of soda this morning around like 2am and it burned so badlyyyyyy......What a way to celebrate....Guess that was letting me know that I don't need it...and I'm listening to my body.

There are some positive changes I've noticed while doing the challenge:
1. My skin is much clearer!!!!
2. I feel better, not so tired as I used to feel.
3. I have more energy now (guess that's the B-complex).
4. And my hair looks and feel so much better!!!!! Serious!y. It's just flourishing, and I'm having less SSK's.  And! I'll be @ APL by December, when it's time for me to straighten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

On another note, my sis says I look a little smaller...but she says that all the time, so eh.?.
Anywho, laterz!



What happens when you're tired after you've had such a longggg day....

You take random pics of yourself........

Random enough?! Yes indeed, I know, but eh! Can't be serious all the time.......and after the day I had, this was as fun as it was gonna get....

But now that my five minutes of fame is up and I'm done having fun, let me get back to crocheting so I can finish these scarves :). Somehow, crocheting just never seems to disappoint....It puts a smile on my face every single time..... Thank God for hooks!

Enjoy loves,

Playing w/ hooks!

So lately, I've been crocheting more than usual, yippee, mainly cause I'm like...umm...addicted, and people have been wondering if I'd begin selling my items. And the answer is yep, which I currently do if you weren't already aware of it. I mainly do beanies, scarves, blankets...and am in the process of learning to crochet clothes, mainly sweaterssssss! I also knit so be on the look out for some knitted items in the near future!

So here are a few of the items I've done in the past and some recent.

If you're interested in purchasing, click here or just leave a comment to appreciate my work..or constructively critique. Thanks mucho!


Milk to Meat

So you just accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Savior and now you're in a place of limbo with questions like "what next?" or "is that all? All I had to do was say the sinner's prayer"....

Many times, new believers in the faith experience this junction in their faith and they revert back to their old ways because no one is there to hold them accountable, or because they simply think that the doorway (confession and acceptance) is all they have to do.

In the video below, Nikki and Preston discuss some of the methods that have helped them grow in Christ and remain in Him! Hopefully it encourages someone out there.

Enjoy the vid!

To hear/read more from Nikki, you can find her here!


Up for grabs!


A while back, I entered into a giveaway and won this beautiful necklace.... unfortunately, I tried it on and it didn't agree with my skin. So rather than throw it away, which would have been the next option, I've decided to sell it on Ebay.

So if you're interested, click the link and let your fingers do the talking....


Nigeria @50

Happy Birthday Nigeria, today we celebrate you!

God bless,

"No Sin" attainable?

This past Sunday, I attended my ACFYA (African Christian Fellowship Young Adult) meeting and the topic of discussion was "I smoke, I drank, Im supposed to stop but I cant!!!"....

Some of the questions discussed were

1. If we all continually sin, then are we really saved?...
a. How do you know if you're 'really' saved?

2. If we all continually sin, what's the point of trying 2 stop sinning? ...might as well let me live and do my thing...

3. Can I openly sin, but still be saved?
...cuz i don't plan on stopping some things I got going on right now....

4. And the question which led to the biggest debate, Is there a point that we can reach where we will NEVER sin?

So now it's time to share your thoughts, Is "no sin on Earth" attainable?

Support your answer with scripture!

God bless!


What's Next?!

Live4ChristClothing.com coming soon! Watch this page....

In the meantime, to check us out on facebook, click here.



Can't get this song outta my head....

♥God bless♥


Over the weekend, I attended the highly anticipated wedding of my big sister and brother-in-law, Lois Oluwakontanmi and Seun Shonukan! It was absolutely beautiful, both on Friday and Saturday....

Here are a few pics from the wedding....

Before the wedding began....still as Lois Oluwakontanmi

Two gorgeous individuals inside and out.....so happy for this union!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Seun Shonukan! Enjoy the honeymoon!!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.


"He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love".
[1 John 4:8, KJV]

The only word in The Bible used to describe the nature of God is love. And being that we are created in His image (Gen 1:26), it's only befitting that we define God's character. Often quoted, yet mis-used without revelation, 1 Corinthians 13:4-10 still teaches us the perfect way to love....

Take from The Message translation, love....Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.


In Remembrance.....

9 years ago today, America's core was shaken by violence, strife and hatred resulting in what is commonly referred to as today's "9/11". More than 3,000 victims were laid to rest as families mourned over loved ones, while America watched in silence as it's nation began to fall... Threats turned into action, action into violence, violence into hatred, and hatred into death. One vividly saw how the devil's influence could overtake a body of people and cause an entire nation to be still.

But ten years later, America is still here, still standing, still strong. Yet even with a sense of hope, there's still a sense of longing. A longing for answers as victim mourners will never hear satisfactory answers to the question "why?", a longing for parents who will still never understand why their children lives were fatally cut short, and a longing for children who unfortunately will continue to grow up fatherless. As a result, athiests will condemn religion, Islam will consistently remain in constant attack, and questions of "where was God?" will emerge. Yet for the believing one, there is an assurity in victory and one rejoices in his salvation!

So who wins.....?! Short of being rhetorical, shrugs shoulders! Does it even really matter..... Another rhetorical question!

Regardless of 10 yrs. ago, there's still a 'today'. And for today, thank God that you're still here cause as we all know, there's a reason and a purpose for everything.

And despite the fact that such brutal attacks had to be taken in order to cause extreme measures to awaken the eyes of God's people, let today be a day of reflection....For your life and the lives that were slain. If 10 yrs. ago, your day had come, where would your eternity be spent?

Never forget "9/11"

♥God bless♥

FIRESTORM 2010! Get ready......


“An epic gathering of Kingdom citizens in an atmosphere of worship and praise to empower the saints for global influence”

Firestorm 2010 is Godkulture's annual concert. It is a catalyst for change creating an atmosphere of radical worship and praise targeted at believers to bring about total and radical empowerment. Our response is not to create a mere counter culture. It is to create a greater culture challenging this generation to pursue God and raise the standard in their daily lives.

Highlights of FireStorm 2010: THE STORM IS HERE

SUMMIT OF KINGS – SOK is a business conference empowering the saints for global influence. The event starts at 7pm on Friday, November 12, 2010 and focuses on business women and men, working professionals and business owners. Speakers will speak on different topics including Kingdom Branding, Kingdom Financing, Business Development Strategies and Leadership.

THE STORM IS HERE – The Storm is a main stage concert featuring a diverse blend of worshippers, bands, dance groups and other artists in a compelling and radiant atmosphere of praise and worship. With a rich line up of artists and groups, the Storm will feature spoken word, music and strident acoustics, dance and glaring visual art exclaiming the awesomeness of God and celebrating His majesty.

WARRIOR ALLIANCE: RENEGADE FORCE – Warrior Alliance is a main stage dance drama about the church. The story blends artistic story narration with exciting acting and dance in a one hour run of dialogue, solos, army drills and special effects.

Objectives of FireStorm 2010
Through the event, we will:
*Raise a network of saints who will stand for Christ in these last days no matter what.

*Share our testimonies with others so they can open their hearts to experience God's unconditional love.

*Address issues that affect the church today.

*Help others discover and use their gifts and talents.

*Build stronger Christian homes and pray for our country.


Through the Summit of Kings conference, we seek to:

*Create an environment for people to learn and discuss entrepreneurship, business and the challenges they face

*Create educative and interactive sessions with an atmosphere of genuine trust where people will be free to ask questions, voice opinions and get direct answers to questions.

*Strengthen young, weak and struggling businesses of the church.

*Encourage those who are hurting from past failed businesses and poor choices.

*Show the path to Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Make plans to be there, you cannot afford to miss it!
♥God bless♥


"There's no crying in baseball"

So one of my all-time favorite movies, is on right now! A League of their own!!!!!...If you've never seen it, you're definitely missing out. I absolutely love this movie, like seriously LOVE IT!

The 1992 movie discusses the story of 2 sisters who join the first all-female professional baseball league while struggling through maintaining their sisterly bond. Tensions grow throughout the film as built up animosity from Kit (the younger of the two sisters) begins to envy her older sister Dottie, commonly referred to as the best player of the league.

Despite their differences, the two put aside their feelings and learn that it truly isn't all about baseball, but rather the impact of women in a sport mostly dominated by male....

Whatever your feelings about baseball played by an all-male/female dominated team, A League of Their Own will put a dent in your heart leaving you embracing the warmth of female baseball in 1992.



Fabulous Walmart Finds!

For the past few months, I've been on the hunt to find my staple and only lipstick, Maybelline's G132, Nude Blush. I wear it everyday, and it's the only lipstick I will wear as my make-up collection is no where near the greats since I'm still getting into it, but unfortunately, I can no longer find it in Osco or even Walmart. They always seem to be out now....

So today, while in Walmart, I went to my counterpart, Revlon, and found some nice finds in 002 Pink Pout & 660 Berry Haute!

Looks like they'll be perfect for fall, and I love plum colors, so hopefully all goes well...

But just looking at them, aren't they beautiful? At least I hope so.....

O, and I also picked up some more lip gloss, by my fav brand, RIMMEL! I usually go with 115 SNOG, but decided since I'm being different, let's switch it up. So I decided to go with 168 RHYTHM! :)

Anywho, can't wait to try them, let's see if they become staples....
And if you find Maybelline G132 in a store near you, shoot me and email or do giveaway :)


Labor Day Wknd!

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, here are a few pics from my lovely spent weekend!



Pics: Candid random shot!; Me and my sis Nu-Nu; Me and my sis Tomz

Pics: Me and my lovely undergrad roomie Preciosia; my gurlies!

Are you a believer or a Christian?

No the question is not rhetorical!

Nowadays, you have people professing that they believe in Christ, yet their lifestyle is the furthest from being "Christ-like", and unlike other religions, Christianity is centered on the lifestyle of Jesus Christ, believing in He who was sent (John 6:29), not a religion based on man's teaching.

So begs the question, what is the difference between being a believer and a Christian? Or is there a difference?

Confession doesn't necessarily qualify you as a Christian...or does it?!

Share your thoughts.......

Homosexuality is a Gift?!!?!?!

Deliverance is so necessary!
2 Corinthians 4:4

Seriously!?!?!! Let's not get it twisted folks, Judgement day is coming and they will have to answer to God.


Is marriage good for your health?

Came across this article and thought I'd share.... Let me know your thoughts

In 1858, a British epidemiologist named William Farr set out to study what he called the “conjugal condition” of the people of France. He divided the adult population into three distinct categories: the “married,” consisting of husbands and wives; the “celibate,” defined as the bachelors and spinsters who had never married; and finally the “widowed,” those who had experienced the death of a spouse. Using birth, death and marriage records, Farr analyzed the relative mortality rates of the three groups at various ages. The work, a groundbreaking study that helped establish the field of medical statistics, showed that the unmarried died from disease “in undue proportion” to their married counterparts. And the widowed, Farr found, fared worst of all.

Farr’s was among the first scholarly works to suggest that there is a health advantage to marriage and to identify marital loss as a significant risk factor for poor health. Married people, the data seemed to show, lived longer, healthier lives. “Marriage is a healthy estate,” Farr concluded. “The single individual is more likely to be wrecked on his voyage than the lives joined together in matrimony.”

While Farr’s own study is no longer relevant to the social realities of today’s world — his three categories exclude couples living together, gay couples and the divorced, for instance — his overarching finding about the health benefits of marriage seems to have stood the test of time. Critics, of course, have rightly cautioned about the risk of conflating correlation with causation. (Better health among the married sometimes simply reflects the fact that healthy people are more likely to get married in the first place.) But in the 150 years since Farr’s work, scientists have continued to document the “marriage advantage”: the fact that married people, on average, appear to be healthier and live longer than unmarried people.

For the rest of the article, click here.


Spoken Word

This vid goes so hard!

Be blessed,


Congrats Ms......


Please send me your name & shipping address to rovunwo@gmail.com so that I can ship your Paul Mitchell items out! YIPPEE

And also, while getting rid of some products, I noticed I had 2 full bottles of VO5 shampoo bottles (Kiwi Lime & Passion Fruit Smoothie) that I don't use nor will I be using, so yay for you, I'll be shipping that also.

Congrats again!

You have until Wed, Aug 31, 11:59p CST to send me your info or another winner will be selected.


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