Evangelism 101

Today I taught a message entitled: "Why the Gospel is so Urgent" to some young students in the Gardens of Chicago's South side. I was asked to come by my bro Marcus and my sis Tanikia of Nikki and the City It was my first time preaching to such a young audience but I thank God because I believe something changed in their lives.

The scripture reference was Ecclesiastes 12:1,

                      Remember your Creator
                      in the days of your youth,
                      before the days of trouble come
                      and the years approach when you will say
                      “I find no pleasure in them”—

Overall, I believe that they will begin to desire a change for Jesus and devote their lives to Him wholeheartedly.

I thank God for the opportunity to be used as His vessel and I pray that they were blessed as well....

A seed has been sown and God will definitely cause it to increase.

May we all answer the call to be His witnesses....

God bless!

A Young Man's Attitude....

Hey peeps,

Please take a moment or two to check out this video....

Paul Washer lays down some biblical insight and a sound teaching on women, men and the purpose of a relationship.

I pray that you are blessed! Leave your comments....


Blessing for Karness Funraiser!

Hey peeps! I need your help!

RIP Renee

I'm writing this post to let you know that my bro recently lost his mother, Renee, Saturday, May 7, 2011 (the day before Mother's Day) and earlier this year, he also lost his brother Mel. I, and his bros/sisters are asking that you would contribute whatever amount you could to alleviate the costs.

I know it presents a difficulty in the event that you may not personally know him, but I pray that you would find it in your hearts to give as you are able. May God bless your seed and your labor of love.

He will not forget you!

Karness and his mother holding hands 10 minutes before she passed away! The last time she squeezed his hand!
Please consider making a donation!

God bless you!

26 in 26days!!!!!!

YAY! My birthday's here....Well it will be in 26days! And I'll be turning the big 26! I'm already excited, can you tell?! Hehe!

Anywho, I don't really plan on having a celebration or doing anything too big, especially since my bday is a Sunday and I'd rather just chill and thank God for adding another year. But in the past, that hasn't been accepted since I somehow end up doing something, either by force or by force. But as for me, for now, I have absolutely nothing planned! And I'm loving it! It's somewhat stressful trying to make plans sometimes and I don't like being disappointed with "I'm busy's" or "oops, I forgot", so eh....there's always my 30th! 

HOWEVER!!!! I do have a birthday wish list, which I also seem to have every year so hopefully this year will be different. But more importantly than receiving gifts, I'd appreciate your well wishes and prayers. God has been faithful enough and materialistic gifts would just be icing on a cake that is already too sweet. 

So where's the list you ask?! :) Well....here ya go!

1. A Bible Concordance ( I have a specific name, I'll get back to you on it! )
Value Price: $35

2. An AMP Study Bible. I currently have the NKJV, KJV, NIV.
Value Price: $30

3. Alien Perfume by Thierry Mugler  (Not too fond of the name, but the smell is breathtaking)
Value Price: $75

4. Monetary contributions toward my Nikon camera/Live 4 Christ Clothing Line! (And yes,  I seriously have a link set up....)
Value Price: $3,000

5. Gift Cards: Suggestions! Target/Marshalls/Visa/Mastercard
Value Price: $25

6. An 18 pc OPI nail polish set by Sephora 
Value Price: $54

7.  Ipod
Value Price: $350

So that's all for my gift list! I would ask that you prayerfully consider my requests, hopefully the list isn't too bad ;). And although these items will add to the joyous day of another year, a simple Happy Birthday phone call is definitely more than enough, so no pressure!
Yours Truly with my favorite babygurl, the one whom God chose to bring me here!

Thanks in advance!

God bless you!

I've missed you guys!

Hey guys, it's been a while, hasn't it..... I know, I know...don't shoot! 

So, ummm so sorry, but it's been really busy these last few months, but I definitely haven't forgotten about you all. Thanks for standing by me! Y'all are the best!

Anywho, this is just a helloooooo to let you all know that I'm still here! So I guess I can officially say I'm back! At least for now, hehe, so if there's anything you'd like to see or have me blog about, send your suggestions! I'll try to accomodate. Got it? Great! Leggggo! 

Until then, here's a recent pic! SMILE! :)

God bless you!

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