Last Week of Sale

SALE HAS ENDED! Thanks to all for your support, your orders will be shipped out shortly :)

In honor of Breast Cancer Month, I decided to have a sale on my site! Sales have been great so far and I'd like to say thanks to all that have supported me thus far. Your orders will be mailed out in the order they were received....

Due to the fact that most items being sold are mainly the same, just in different colors,  I've only uploaded a few of the items on BigCartel, but you can see what is being offered here.

When purchasing a custom order or an item not listed on the site, you can specify your order on the checkout page listed in the section "special instructions for merchant".

Thanks so much for your support and remember, the sale ends this Sunday, October 31st, 11:59pm. 

God bless,

Spade's Puppy Deliveries

So....this past weekend, my sister's pit bull delivered her puppies! Beginning at 8:30pm, Friday, 10/22 and ending around 12:30am, Saturday 10/23, she gave birth to 9 puppies!!!!! Whoo-hoo!

Sad to say though that last night one of the puppies died due to the fact that she was just way too small. She was a twin that was attached to her bro's umbilical cord, but unfortunately, she was too weak to live. Spade comforted her and separated her from the rest of her puppies to care and nurture for her, but she didn't make it :(

There are still 8 who are alive and well, kicking and upbeat! And they're for sale!!!

So yea, that's all, hope everyone enjoyed their weekend....

Here's a video of the first birth if you're interested in seeing it, it resembles human birth soooo much, but if you'd rather not view it, that's fine also....or if it grosses you out, um...sorry :(. 

God bless,

Rubix Time

How many of you guys remember the rubix cube?!

Pause. Hands going up! Sounds of... "ooh ahh", now I remember!
Great, so I'm not alone....

I was doing some cleaning the other day and found my rubix cube and decided to get back to it. Now in the past, I could only do one side. It didn't matter the color, even though at first I could only do blue, haha but nonetheless, still just one side (and I learned this WAYYYY back in highschool, hmph) ... and as of now, nothing has changed, that's still the only thing I can do. But I'm coming back to it and before this year is over, I will make it a personal goal of mine to complete three sides, eh, ok, that may be reaching, BUT I'LL DEFINITELY be attempting two sides..... Besides, one side isn't hard at all, so three may not be difficult, I'm sure I can do it.

So, pray for me.... back to the cube I go!

God bless,

Let's Talk Relationships.....

Morning folks!

Check out the video I recorded this past weekend, pasted below.... In it I share my views on relationships, dating, and marriage....... God's way. I did the video mainly for those who see dating as an alternative to commitment in union and because it's been on my heart lately.  Besides, it's preparation time! Boaz is on his way :)

Pray that your eyes will be enlightened as you listen.

Your responses are welcome!

God bless you!

Let's Talk $

Thank God for weekends because today was definitely a day that needed to come to an end quickly so I could enjoy some rest. 

Needless to say, what started out as a rough day ended up going quite this order as I got home, the following occured:

1. I received a free pair of earrings in the mail from a giveaway contest I entered.
2. Went to church for FNL (Friday Night Live)
3. Came home and was going through my blog "follow" list to catch up on my blogs and saw that I had won an Amazon giftcard from another giveaway contest...

FAVOR ALL AROUND! So today wasn't all that bad....
Thanks Jesus :)

To add on to #2, we discussed finances, with a themed program titled, "The Vault"....Some of what was discussed was 

*Of course God first, & all else secondary. (Ps 23:1)- 
Main Point here: KNOW YOUR WORD, always, always, always have a scripture to stand on. At His Name (His Word), everything must bow!

*Make a budget.
*Have an accountability superior, one who will keep you in line when you'd rather spend more than you have.
*Establish good credit.
*Reduce the number of credit cards you own and use them only when you are certain you can pay them off.
.....And the list continues

Hope you all enjoyed your Friday!

****As a bonus, I've attached a video ministration from David's Company***

God bless!

Just for you guys!

***Just added, Thursday 10/14/2010, 9:10p....I've decided to do this sale for the remainder of October and beanies will be on sale also***

5% of the proceeds from this current sale going on and the remainder of October will go to Breast Cancer Research!

It's here!!!!
My first sale on my site......Yippee!

Thanks to all of you who have already made purchases, & hopefully you are enjoying and sporting your new items. Pics are welcome, so go on and send them in, don't you all remain shy :)

Anywho, starting tomorrow, or rather, tonight, Wed 10/13 @12:01am CST until Tuesday, 10/19 @11:59p, I'll be having a sale on my site, mainly on the scarves. The site has them priced @ $22, but I'm running a sale of 2 for $30 with free shipping. If you opt to just get the one scarf, it will be $15, but you will have to pay the shipping fee....

Seems fair, right?! :)

Great, I thought so too...... The site also shows certain colors, but if you look through previous posts, you can see the colors offered. Just be sure to specify your color when you get to the checkout page where it says "special instructions for seller".  

So let your fingers do the talking, as your items shall await you! 

God bless you all


Allow yourself to be broken.....

If I could describe today in one word, that word would be.....STILLNESS!

Today was a day like none I've ever experienced in my life. I went to David's Company Rehearsal as I've been doing for the past few months now and God's presence definitely invaded the atmosphere. In our time of worship, God's glory descended upon the atmosphere and you could see, and literally feel shackles, chains, hindrances, obstacles, etc. being removed. I tried to lift my hands, stand, kneel, bow, but I was literally, STILL because His weight was sitting on me. My arms were frozen at my side in awe of His splendor and all I could do was weep. It was breathtaking! 

God was speaking to me and although the process can be painful, I allowed myself to be broken. It was hard, but transparency in His presence yields favor in the eyes of man. While praying in the Spirit, something Terry Savelle-Foy said kept coming back to me. She said "you will never outgrow warfare, you must simply learn to fight", which led me to Matt 11:12. The manifestation of this scripture was in frontal and proximal view, the devil was seriously in trouble... But it didn't stop there 'cause here came James 5:16....Seriously, I'm telling you, intensity is only a fraction of the word I'm trying to use because there simply are no words to describe the presence that arises when you lay all your burdens down at the mercy of His feet, walking away knowing that you are victorious 'cause God says "it is done". That joy is indescribable. 

After 2 hours, we thought worship was over, then while ministering unto Him again, "Open the floodgates of Heaven" came to me and I began to weep some more. I'm just in awe of Him and I can't hide it! If I've ever been uncertain before, you can rest assure that I know it now.....God is definitely about to do something in my life and the lives of those around me and I'm rejoicing in anticipation of His glory. 

~"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty~

Be blessed,


Today was a great day!!!!!!!!!!!
Church was awesome, although I missed my home church today, but it was nice to attend another service and actually sit, and enjoy without having to "serve", hopefully you understand what I mean and it doesn't come off wrongly. I'll admit it was different, 'cause I kept feeling the need to help in their media department, but nonetheless, service was anointed. And being that it was their 7th year anniversary and "A Prophetic Miracle Service" [as Pastor Solomon of Shadow of the Almighty Ministries phrased it], it lasted from 12p until about 5, then we ate. All in all, we were there for about 6 hours.....and it was simply lovely!

Anywho, hope you all had a great day today!

And although I was tired and wanted to hit the sheets as soon as I got home, noted from me falling asleep while driving on the way back, thank God for Jesus and His Holy Spirit, I made it safely and soundly! And so I decided to do the one thing that never disappoints....CROCHET! here's my latest scarf!



No pop/Water Challenge!

Hey peeps,

So....Sept 7, 2010, I started a challenge with my Big Sis and my cousin to see if we could give up drinking pop (soda) for 30 days....Now I normally don't drink pop as much as they do, in fact, not even 1/4 of what  they drink, but prior to this challenge, I had drunk pop more than usual. So I decided to join them.....

For the first two weeks, it was strictly water! No juice, no tea, no nothing, just water....I drank about 7 bottles of water a day, o yea, I was on! Hehe.....

Then the last two weeks consisted of juice and water....In these 30 days, I was also taking the following vitamins: E, Omega 3's, B-Complex and Vitamin C. I had tried to take a mulit-vitamin but kept finding myself extremely nauseated....Still can't find one that works :( .......any suggestions are welcome.

All in all, the challenge was great, and yay for my sister & cousin! Yep, I doubted them (sad face), but I'm glad they proved me wrong....Now let's see if they can keep it up. I on the other hand, drank 1/2 cup of soda this morning around like 2am and it burned so badlyyyyyy......What a way to celebrate....Guess that was letting me know that I don't need it...and I'm listening to my body.

There are some positive changes I've noticed while doing the challenge:
1. My skin is much clearer!!!!
2. I feel better, not so tired as I used to feel.
3. I have more energy now (guess that's the B-complex).
4. And my hair looks and feel so much better!!!!! Serious!y. It's just flourishing, and I'm having less SSK's.  And! I'll be @ APL by December, when it's time for me to straighten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

On another note, my sis says I look a little smaller...but she says that all the time, so eh.?.
Anywho, laterz!



What happens when you're tired after you've had such a longggg day....

You take random pics of yourself........

Random enough?! Yes indeed, I know, but eh! Can't be serious all the time.......and after the day I had, this was as fun as it was gonna get....

But now that my five minutes of fame is up and I'm done having fun, let me get back to crocheting so I can finish these scarves :). Somehow, crocheting just never seems to disappoint....It puts a smile on my face every single time..... Thank God for hooks!

Enjoy loves,

Playing w/ hooks!

So lately, I've been crocheting more than usual, yippee, mainly cause I'm like...umm...addicted, and people have been wondering if I'd begin selling my items. And the answer is yep, which I currently do if you weren't already aware of it. I mainly do beanies, scarves, blankets...and am in the process of learning to crochet clothes, mainly sweaterssssss! I also knit so be on the look out for some knitted items in the near future!

So here are a few of the items I've done in the past and some recent.

If you're interested in purchasing, click here or just leave a comment to appreciate my work..or constructively critique. Thanks mucho!


Milk to Meat

So you just accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Savior and now you're in a place of limbo with questions like "what next?" or "is that all? All I had to do was say the sinner's prayer"....

Many times, new believers in the faith experience this junction in their faith and they revert back to their old ways because no one is there to hold them accountable, or because they simply think that the doorway (confession and acceptance) is all they have to do.

In the video below, Nikki and Preston discuss some of the methods that have helped them grow in Christ and remain in Him! Hopefully it encourages someone out there.

Enjoy the vid!

To hear/read more from Nikki, you can find her here!


Up for grabs!


A while back, I entered into a giveaway and won this beautiful necklace.... unfortunately, I tried it on and it didn't agree with my skin. So rather than throw it away, which would have been the next option, I've decided to sell it on Ebay.

So if you're interested, click the link and let your fingers do the talking....


Nigeria @50

Happy Birthday Nigeria, today we celebrate you!

God bless,

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