Hey peeps! Thanks for following me thus far.

I'm writing to let you all know that I have MOVED!!!!!! ------> TO WORDPRESS! Yippee! I feel so official.

Head on over there & subscribe! Thanks for all your love thus far! See you @ my new site

God bless!

A year older, A day Wiser.....

I'm 26!

Happy Birthday Month to me!

Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday, from the bottom of my heart, I love and appreciate you all. God is and has always been faithful and life can only accelerate from here! I look forward to the next year and chapter of my life. Get ready world, it's my time to shine!

Bday Gurl! The only pic I took yesterday :)

God bless you!


Listen and let me know what you think.....

God bless you!


Evangelism 101

Today I taught a message entitled: "Why the Gospel is so Urgent" to some young students in the Gardens of Chicago's South side. I was asked to come by my bro Marcus and my sis Tanikia of Nikki and the City It was my first time preaching to such a young audience but I thank God because I believe something changed in their lives.

The scripture reference was Ecclesiastes 12:1,

                      Remember your Creator
                      in the days of your youth,
                      before the days of trouble come
                      and the years approach when you will say
                      “I find no pleasure in them”—

Overall, I believe that they will begin to desire a change for Jesus and devote their lives to Him wholeheartedly.

I thank God for the opportunity to be used as His vessel and I pray that they were blessed as well....

A seed has been sown and God will definitely cause it to increase.

May we all answer the call to be His witnesses....

God bless!

A Young Man's Attitude....

Hey peeps,

Please take a moment or two to check out this video....

Paul Washer lays down some biblical insight and a sound teaching on women, men and the purpose of a relationship.

I pray that you are blessed! Leave your comments....


Blessing for Karness Funraiser!

Hey peeps! I need your help!

RIP Renee

I'm writing this post to let you know that my bro recently lost his mother, Renee, Saturday, May 7, 2011 (the day before Mother's Day) and earlier this year, he also lost his brother Mel. I, and his bros/sisters are asking that you would contribute whatever amount you could to alleviate the costs.

I know it presents a difficulty in the event that you may not personally know him, but I pray that you would find it in your hearts to give as you are able. May God bless your seed and your labor of love.

He will not forget you!

Karness and his mother holding hands 10 minutes before she passed away! The last time she squeezed his hand!
Please consider making a donation!

God bless you!

26 in 26days!!!!!!

YAY! My birthday's here....Well it will be in 26days! And I'll be turning the big 26! I'm already excited, can you tell?! Hehe!

Anywho, I don't really plan on having a celebration or doing anything too big, especially since my bday is a Sunday and I'd rather just chill and thank God for adding another year. But in the past, that hasn't been accepted since I somehow end up doing something, either by force or by force. But as for me, for now, I have absolutely nothing planned! And I'm loving it! It's somewhat stressful trying to make plans sometimes and I don't like being disappointed with "I'm busy's" or "oops, I forgot", so eh....there's always my 30th! 

HOWEVER!!!! I do have a birthday wish list, which I also seem to have every year so hopefully this year will be different. But more importantly than receiving gifts, I'd appreciate your well wishes and prayers. God has been faithful enough and materialistic gifts would just be icing on a cake that is already too sweet. 

So where's the list you ask?! :) Well....here ya go!

1. A Bible Concordance ( I have a specific name, I'll get back to you on it! )
Value Price: $35

2. An AMP Study Bible. I currently have the NKJV, KJV, NIV.
Value Price: $30

3. Alien Perfume by Thierry Mugler  (Not too fond of the name, but the smell is breathtaking)
Value Price: $75

4. Monetary contributions toward my Nikon camera/Live 4 Christ Clothing Line! (And yes,  I seriously have a link set up....)
Value Price: $3,000

5. Gift Cards: Suggestions! Target/Marshalls/Visa/Mastercard
Value Price: $25

6. An 18 pc OPI nail polish set by Sephora 
Value Price: $54

7.  Ipod
Value Price: $350

So that's all for my gift list! I would ask that you prayerfully consider my requests, hopefully the list isn't too bad ;). And although these items will add to the joyous day of another year, a simple Happy Birthday phone call is definitely more than enough, so no pressure!
Yours Truly with my favorite babygurl, the one whom God chose to bring me here!

Thanks in advance!

God bless you!

I've missed you guys!

Hey guys, it's been a while, hasn't it..... I know, I know...don't shoot! 

So, ummm so sorry, but it's been really busy these last few months, but I definitely haven't forgotten about you all. Thanks for standing by me! Y'all are the best!

Anywho, this is just a helloooooo to let you all know that I'm still here! So I guess I can officially say I'm back! At least for now, hehe, so if there's anything you'd like to see or have me blog about, send your suggestions! I'll try to accomodate. Got it? Great! Leggggo! 

Until then, here's a recent pic! SMILE! :)

God bless you!

Live4Christ Clothing, Inc.

Hey peeps!

It's been a while, but I'm excited to announce that VERY SOON my clothing line Live4Christ will be out!

Please keep me lifted in your prayers and check out this LINK to find out more about the work! O, and feel led to make a donation :)

God bless peoples!



Great News...the LONG awaited Eden Life Magazine site is out, here at www.edenicglory.net.

Given a limited number of Christian magazines, this magazine site comes needed in the world today, and is loaded with articles to prepare you for life. Browse the site daily to partake of great content that will stir you up and give you a refreshing perspective on the world around you.

Today's Devotional, will update you daily with inspiring devotionals on the theme of restoration and rebuilding. 

The Spirit & Life category is filled with articles that will stir up faith in you and give you the confidence to take the world head on. 

Do you need help in shaping your world view? or do you need a godly perspective on the things happening around? Then you will find the Opinion category interesting. This category contains opinions on world events, and the environment around. 

As a part of delivering quality content for you, we have expert articles on Relationships and Finances. The articles in the finances category contain biblical views on money as well as very practical steps that will empower you take control of your finances and eliminate debt. The relationship articles are practical ways to develop stronger foundations for your relationships, as well as tools that will aid in the healing process of cracks in the relationship.

I encourage you to browse through the Eden Life Magazine, read articles, leave comments and through the facebook social plugin, share articles with friends (all of this will help in spreading the buzz)!

Don't stop there, also provide your feedback on what you like and what can be improved on. It's all about you (the reader) and equipping you with the resources for restoring the edenic glory!

God bless you!

This is Your Season

This song has been ministering to me lately.

This is your season, be encouraged!

God bless,

My weekend in photos!

This past weekend, I, along with some co-workers went to the National Healthy Start Association conference held in Washington, DC.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and truly appreciated the experience. I adopted some children along the way, so when I woke up this morning and I didn't see them, I was somewhat sad :(

I guess I'll just wait to be reunited with them when I babysit :)

Until then, enjoy the pics!

3 of the Nine!

Caught off guard....

Me and Kilaiah! Currently missing her....


They weren't ready for me! 

Me and Asa! Currently missing him....

Me and Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. 


Spring Style!

Was recently on one of my favorite websites, .......com (hehe) and I saw these two coats. I'm currently going through an attachment to winter coats, or coats in general, so I'm wanting the both of these. Anyone who feels led to get me either of these as an early birthday gift, late Christmas gift or early 2011 fall gift, feel very welcome. Don't let me stop you :)


Dress for where you're going....?!

This morning I had a lunch date with a girlfriend of mine at one of our favorite places, Panera Bread. It had been a while since we had actually seen each other, but thank God for a day off! S/o to President's Day.

I arrived there around 11:30am this morning and a lady by the name of Sarah (no need for last names), walked up to me and starting talking to me randomly out of no-where. Her first comment, before she even formally introduced herself was "O my gosh, I was just headed out the door until I saw you come in. You look gorgeous and very well put together". So I smiled and replied "thankyou". In my mind, I was thinking who is this lady walking towards me but she proceeded to continue, still not having told me her name.

She then goes on to say that she used to work in Fashion and now works with Mary Kay and is interested in hiring another Director, and wants to have lunch tomorrow. She asked if I had a business card and upon reaching for it, she places hers in my hand. I handed her mine and she was ecstatic as she kept saying, we just have to do lunch, I'll call you tomorrow. I replied,  "...sure, I'll be expecting your call".

Now knowing that Panera Bread is one of my favorite places to go, I am usually never "dressed up" as she considered me today, but always presentable. However, it referred me back to the common phrase "dress for where you're going". In some instances, this statement may very well be applicable, but not today. Had I dressed as though I were going to Panera, she probably would never have approached me....yet instead, I dressed for where I would like to go in life....

My thoughts? My phrase is more applicable to most situations..... :).

The simple look that got me noticed by Mary's Kay representative

God bless....

Passport Ready?!

I've been privileged to journey to different places at least 3x this year and I can only hope that the opportunities continue to come. It's made me want to become a world traveler and possibly travel to different places and live in different countries for at least 3 months at a time.

I absolutely love different cultures!

Some of the places I've been include:

Kansas City, MO for the IHOP Conference (Dec 2010-Jan 2011)

Spingfield, IL for the Governor Inauguration (

Los Angeles, CA for P4CM's Lyricist Lounge

Some places I already have planned include:

Houston, TX for TSIM
New York!!!!!
And some places I'd love to visit:

Valencia, Spain

Port Harcourt, NIGERIA! (Back to the homeland for the 2nd time)

By God's grace, all future trips will come to pass and the places I anticipate going will be made available. I really want to go to Spain and live there for about 3 months and embrace its culture, learn  even more of its language and eat as much of its authentic food as possible. Lord willing, it will happen :)

God bless you all,

A few pics!

The pics are finally up....
It's been about a week, and the pics are finally here....

Here are some pics from Valentines Weekend!

Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday!

God Bless,

Natural Hair Inspirations

I was recently looking at some online photos for some style inspirations for the upcoming summer and ran across these two photos.

I absolutely love its fullness and her color



Now although I am very unlikely to color my hair or wear this style pictured above, it does give motivation for growth and ideas for some new styles!

I'm looking forward to the warmer weather so I can play with my hair more and not have to keep it in these protective styles.

God Bless

American History X

 Have you ever seen this movie?

Peep the caption!

              Now I know this is Black History Month, but I remember the first time I saw this movie back in higshchool as a requirement for Law class....Tears ran down effortlessly as my young eyes witnessed hate through the artwork of film. For weeks I went by looking at white people with the notion that hatred resided in their bones and that I was just a target in way of totalitarianism. Hate began to rise up on the inside of me and no words of comfort could ease the pain. I began feeling to subjected to a society where an iron fist held down mainstream America in light that whites would soon take over and blacks would be extinct.

Years later, I can now look back on the moment of sorrow and exclaim what the love of God would do to a man's heart if you would submit your will to His. My eyes have been opened and I now see that LOVE truly covers a multitude of sins.

Now that movie will make you cry inwardly and will open your eyes to a world of hatred if you’re not ready to let the past be in the past, but God's love is greater than any man-written manuscript.

Let love dictate your future story and let hatred be in remembrance of your past.

God Bless,

Natural Hair Growth

2011 HAIR UPDATE!!!!!

Last year, I went on a 1 YEAR NO HEAT challenge. I said that in Dec 2010 (my one year mark) that I would straighten my hair to see my length.... However I didn't! I got so used to no heat that I just decided to blowdry it and wear it in flat twists....

So here are a few pics....peep the growth :)

But if a woman has long hair, it is her ornament and glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.
[1 Corinthians 11:15]

January 2011

January 2011

Flat Twist Out January 2011

Flat Twist Out January 2011


Pics: February 2009, March 2009, December 2009

God Bless,

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