Lavender Mango Whip Review

Last week, I received my order from Safi Hair Care's line, a company started by Alex of "The Good Hair Blog", and here are my thoughts....

First, she's very efficient in time delivery and the 4oz bottles are so cute, aren't they! Kudos to her for that :)

As for the product, after trying her Curl Clouds, I had high hopes for this product but was slightly disappointed in this one. I knew the lavender in it would turn me off but I opted to get it because it had mango so I was still wishing for a mango smell of some sort, but the lavender scent was just way too overpowering, so the smell was a no-go.

As for the product in itself, it sadly left my hair slightly dry, which could be from the fact that I forgot to apply my leave-in or the fact that it contains tea tree oil. I did a twistout on freshly washed hair yesterday and applied this as the only product because it contains all of what I use to seal and moisture my hair, ie, castor oil, aloe vera, and shea butter...but something in there just left my hair dry :(.

I did however re-wet it last night with my veggie glycerin, water, and leave in conditioner mist so we'll see how the results turn out today.... Hopefully it's just cause I didn't use a leave-in cause I loved the Curl Clouds so I want to love this as well... I think I'll contact her to make sure I used it correctly, but since I used it as a sealant, I don't see where I went wrong.... I'll give it another go tho come wash day.

But if you haven't, check her out! She's still a fab chica :)

Be blessed,


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