NO Heat Challenge/ 25th Bday

So I decided I would embark on a no heat challenge back in December and have successfully completed 5 months....Yay me! I'm planning to stretch it out to a year, but we'll see what happens.

My 25th bday is fastly approaching [25 in 17!] and I need a hairstyle, an outfit, a dinner venue and.......yea! So yea, I'll be taking hair and venue suggestions! But I do have my gift card list ready, so it'll be sent out soon, smiles, cheese!

Gotta say I'm loving this no heat thing, never thought I could do it as I used to be a lover of the infamous wrap, but discovering the true beauty of natural hair versatility has made me love my curls, coils, thickness, etc. And the summer time is fastly approaching so braidouts, twistouts, puffs, here we come!!!!! O yes, by summer time I mean basically a change in degree temp. You're probably thinking, DUH!, but here in Chicago, the weather is so unstable, we have to celebrate when we can, so pardon the excitement =)

O yes, did I mention I was featured as yesterday's BGLH [Black Girl Long Hair] style icon? Well I was, and I was sooooo happy, I received so many compliments, comments, positivity, just cause of my hair.....Look at favor, look at God! Isn't He so amazing. Ahh!!!! [Me and 1 Cor 11:15 are tight!] Thanks Jesus and thanks so much Leila. It was definitely an honor to be featured among so many other natural beauties. retreive the article, click here!

And be sure to check out Black Girl Long Hair here!

That's all for now!

And don't forget to help with the bday topics.....Now.... 7 more months to a year without the heat....can i do it?

Stay tuned......



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