Great News...the LONG awaited Eden Life Magazine site is out, here at www.edenicglory.net.

Given a limited number of Christian magazines, this magazine site comes needed in the world today, and is loaded with articles to prepare you for life. Browse the site daily to partake of great content that will stir you up and give you a refreshing perspective on the world around you.

Today's Devotional, will update you daily with inspiring devotionals on the theme of restoration and rebuilding. 

The Spirit & Life category is filled with articles that will stir up faith in you and give you the confidence to take the world head on. 

Do you need help in shaping your world view? or do you need a godly perspective on the things happening around? Then you will find the Opinion category interesting. This category contains opinions on world events, and the environment around. 

As a part of delivering quality content for you, we have expert articles on Relationships and Finances. The articles in the finances category contain biblical views on money as well as very practical steps that will empower you take control of your finances and eliminate debt. The relationship articles are practical ways to develop stronger foundations for your relationships, as well as tools that will aid in the healing process of cracks in the relationship.

I encourage you to browse through the Eden Life Magazine, read articles, leave comments and through the facebook social plugin, share articles with friends (all of this will help in spreading the buzz)!

Don't stop there, also provide your feedback on what you like and what can be improved on. It's all about you (the reader) and equipping you with the resources for restoring the edenic glory!

God bless you!

This is Your Season

This song has been ministering to me lately.

This is your season, be encouraged!

God bless,

My weekend in photos!

This past weekend, I, along with some co-workers went to the National Healthy Start Association conference held in Washington, DC.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and truly appreciated the experience. I adopted some children along the way, so when I woke up this morning and I didn't see them, I was somewhat sad :(

I guess I'll just wait to be reunited with them when I babysit :)

Until then, enjoy the pics!

3 of the Nine!

Caught off guard....

Me and Kilaiah! Currently missing her....


They weren't ready for me! 

Me and Asa! Currently missing him....

Me and Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. 


Spring Style!

Was recently on one of my favorite websites, .......com (hehe) and I saw these two coats. I'm currently going through an attachment to winter coats, or coats in general, so I'm wanting the both of these. Anyone who feels led to get me either of these as an early birthday gift, late Christmas gift or early 2011 fall gift, feel very welcome. Don't let me stop you :)


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