Hey peeps! Thanks for following me thus far.
I'm writing to let you all know that I have MOVED!!!!!! ------> TO WORDPRESS! Yippee! I feel so official.
Head on over there & subscribe! Thanks for all your love thus far! See you @ my new site
God bless!
A year older, A day Wiser.....
I'm 26!
Happy Birthday Month to me!
Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday, from the bottom of my heart, I love and appreciate you all. God is and has always been faithful and life can only accelerate from here! I look forward to the next year and chapter of my life. Get ready world, it's my time to shine!
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Bday Gurl! The only pic I took yesterday :) |
Evangelism 101
Today I taught a message entitled: "Why the Gospel is so Urgent" to some young students in the Gardens of Chicago's South side. I was asked to come by my bro Marcus and my sis Tanikia of Nikki and the City It was my first time preaching to such a young audience but I thank God because I believe something changed in their lives.
The scripture reference was Ecclesiastes 12:1,
Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say
“I find no pleasure in them”—
Overall, I believe that they will begin to desire a change for Jesus and devote their lives to Him wholeheartedly.
I thank God for the opportunity to be used as His vessel and I pray that they were blessed as well....
A seed has been sown and God will definitely cause it to increase.
May we all answer the call to be His witnesses....
God bless!
A Young Man's Attitude....
Hey peeps,
Please take a moment or two to check out this video....
Paul Washer lays down some biblical insight and a sound teaching on women, men and the purpose of a relationship.
I pray that you are blessed! Leave your comments....