Top-Ten Hair Must Haves

Here's my list of my "top-ten" hair must haves! (in no particular order)


1. H20- Self explanatory! Water is the hair's best moisturizer.

2. Eco Styler Gel- This is by far the best gel for laying down edges, providing shine and giving your hair the slicked look/feel. I also use the one in the clear bottle but find that this one containing olive oil is easier on the hair and doesn't cause as many flakes. It may leave your hair a little dry, but using oils as an under base should alleviate that problem.

3. Shea Butter- I'm sure you heard of the many uses of Shea butter and what it does for your hair, so I won't go into much detail. However, I will share with you how I use it for my hair.... Shea Butter alone can be used on the hair alone, but I find that sometimes it may still be too thick for my hair, so I melt it in hot boiling water, add coconut oil, veggie glycerin and aloe vera, and the results are heavenly!

4. Veggie Glycerin- So.....I don't know why I just found about this, but I did, and me loves it!!!!!!! Now it is rather thick on it's own, but diluting it 1/4 to 3/4water in a spray bottle makes the best hair mist. I usually spray this mist on my hair right after I shampoo/co-wash, while hair is still very damp to seal in moisture.... Veggie glycerin is a humectant so it draws in all moisture from the air.

Take note: I'd suggest that you use the mist more in the summer, warmer months rather than the winter months because it will draw in moisture from the air, and in the winter months, that may be too harsh for your hair! But if you haven't tried it, you're def missing out, so get on it!

5. Coconut Oil- Need incredible shine and a moisturizer to keep the fly-aways's your product!

6. Jamaican Black Castor Oil- Loves it! Great moisturizer, provides incredible slip, promotes thickness, relieves dry-itchy scalp, eliminates hair breakage, and leaves your hair silky smooth! I usually add this to my conditioners or to my coconut oil, making an EVCO/JBCO mix.

7. Herbal Essences Conditioner- Now those of you who know me, may know that I used to be a V05 Moisture Milks Conditioner lover, but that was until I discovered HE conditioners! These are the absolute best, locally anyway! Both conditioners contain silk proteins, making it very easy to detangle. I also love the thickness of the conditioners which penetrates deep into the hair strands leaving the hair amazingly soft!

8. Jamaican Mango & Lime Locking Gel- Used for twistouts and braidouts! Definitely provides definition and has a lovely smell....The only thing I'd trade is the color, which is orange, and sometimes leaves an orange residue on my hands, but other than that....I love it. I've heard about the Elasta QP Glaze, yet haven't tried it, so for now, this is still my fav.

9. Aloe Vera Gel- What can't you use this for, seriously? I mean, it's a great moisturizer, provides shine, promotes relief and healing to your scalp, can be used on skin, blemishes, everything! And it's cheap! I usually mix it in with Shea Butter or Coconut Oil! Ladies and gents, definitely get up on AVG!

10. Denman Brush/Wide Tooth Comb/Hair Combs/Bobby Pins- Now apart from the Denman brush, the rest should be self-explanatory. You don't want to use small toothed combs when detangling your hair whether natural or relaxed. The smaller the teeth, the easier for your hair to be pulled out. Hair combs/bobby pins work the same for me, but some people prefer bobby pins. Either way, they're both a necessity! And for the Denman, I just received it, the D3 to be exact, and so far I like it. It's great for curl definition when doing wash and goes and good for extra detangling, with conditioner, and oils applied in your hair. Some people have complained that it has ripped their hair out, but I haven't experienced that so I'd still say go for it.

That's all for now!

Be blessed,


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